Contact us




2.Phone number

3.Email address

4.Company name (store name)

5.Type of Industry

6.Shop URL

*Please write it down in the remarks if it is being prepared or before opening.

7.Company's Address

8.Type of inquiry

9.Inquiry details

10.How did you know about our company?

Handling of Personal Information

<Purpose of use>
・The personal information you submit on this inquiry screen will be used to properly respond to and manage your inquiries.

<Provided by a third party>
・Except in cases based on laws and regulations, this personal information will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the person concerned.

・We sometimes entrust the handling of this personal information, but when entrusting it, we will supervise the consignee appropriately so that the personal information can be managed safely.

<Request for disclosure, etc.>
・We accept notification, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of the purpose of use of this personal information, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties (called disclosure, etc.).
Requests for disclosure, etc. will be accepted at the "Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Window" below.

<Points to Note when Entering Personal Information>
・If the necessary information is not written, we may not be able to give you the best answer.

<Personal Information Protection Manager>
B-work Accounting Manager

<Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Window>
B-work complaint consultation counter

※ If you agree with our privacy policy and the handling of personal information,
please check "I agree" and click the "Confirm input" button.