Basic policy for antisocial forces


Basic policy for antisocial forces

We have established the "Basic Policy for B-work Antisocial Forces" as our basic policy. In accordance with this basic policy, we strive to cut off relationships with antisocial forces, maintain public trust, and carry out appropriate and sound business.

Basic policy for antisocial forces

We declare the following basic policy to prevent damage caused by "anti-social forces" who are groups or individuals who pursue economic benefits by making full use of violence, power, and fraudulent methods.

  • (1)The Company will ensure the safety of our officers and employees who might have to deal with such demands from Anti-social Forces.
  • (2)In order to prevent damage caused by antisocial forces, we will build cooperative relationships with external specialized institutions such as police, violence expulsion promotion centers, lawyers, etc., and respond to the entire organization below the top management.
  • (3)We have no relationship with antisocial forces, including business relationships. In addition, we will reject unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.
  • (4)We will resolutely take legal action against unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.
  • (5)We do not make back-door transactions at any time. In addition, we will never fund antisocial forces.